What We Do

  • Develop turn key projects for our clients by installing energy conservation equipment that minimizes out of pocket cost and maximizes return from cash flow. Clients typically experience a 30% - 50% return on investment.  
  • Fully guarantee every projection in the course of performing your engineering audit with a 100% money back commitment. Further, each of your energy conservation projects are backed by an insurance policy guaranteeing your payback period, thus eliminating any financial risk on your part.  
  • Work directly with company executives, officers, owners, or directors to serve as a one-time management tool for creating unplanned cash flow improvements.  
  • Thoroughly interview client management to determine expectations and needs to implement solutions within client determined framework.  
  • Provide client with specific project targets for cash flow improvement, prior to any work being solicited or any fees being accepted; all client decisions are guided by these specific, fully guaranteed project targets.  
  • Present client with a risk free option for gaining immediate positive cash flow improvements through retaining budgeted energy payments.  
  • Accept complete financial responsibility for all of our work and have the financial strength to honor these commitments.  
  • Protect client with time tested lab and field technologies. Our technologies undergo vigorous testing and development, in some cases this literally takes years.  The result is thousands of satisfied clients.  
  • Provide complete after-the-project follow up analysis and reportage to aid clients in evaluating the project's performance and return on investment.  
  • Develop and implement only long term, high durability projects, typically providing full financial benefits for over 20 years after implementation.
  • Provide environmental benefits.  With gained efficiency there is a considerable reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a reduction in the facility’s carbon footprint.